Cole is a Giant!! Sneak Attack Squad Plays with a Enlargment Blaster

I was the videographer, editor and vfx artist for this video. It sits at 5.7 million views

Minecraft Monster Mash! Sneak Attack Squad Glitchy Nerf Battle!

I was the assistant videographer, editor and VFX artist behind this video. It sits at 3 million views

Where Fast Gets Faster

I edited the footage/music, made a stylized color correction, and created the motion graphics for this social video.

Results Happen Here

I edited the footage/music, made a stylized color correction, and placed the graphics for this social video.

Movement Prep

An edit where I was given phone footage and had to create an energetic social video out of it. There are tons of these montages that I made on EXOS’s social media pages.